SexyGulls Statement of Expectations For Ethical Manufacturing

SexyGulls is dedicated to promoting ethical and sustainable practices throughout our supply chain. Our commitment to the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code reflects our values and expectations for all suppliers. We expect our suppliers to uphold the following principles in their operations and ensure compliance with the ETI Base Code. By working together, we can create a responsible and transparent supply chain that benefits workers and the environment.

Employment is Freely Chosen

Suppliers must ensure that all employment is voluntary, and workers have the freedom to choose their employment and leave it without any form of coercion or forced labor.
No worker shall be subjected to any form of bonded labor or involuntary servitude.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

Suppliers shall respect the rights of workers to join or form trade unions, workers' associations, or other worker representative bodies of their choice.
Suppliers shall engage in constructive dialogue and negotiations with worker representatives.

Working Conditions are Safe and Hygienic

Suppliers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy working environment.
Adequate measures must be in place to prevent accidents, injuries, and exposure to health hazards.
Regular health and safety assessments should be conducted.

Child Labor Shall Not Be Used

Suppliers must not employ workers under the legal minimum age for employment in their respective countries.
Young workers shall be protected in accordance with applicable laws and international standards, with a focus on their well-being and access to education.

Living Wages are Paid

Suppliers shall provide workers with wages that meet at least the minimum legal requirements and provide for basic needs.
Deductions from wages shall not be made as a disciplinary measure.

Working Hours are Not Excessive

Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours.
Overtime should be voluntary, and workers must be compensated fairly for overtime work.

No Discrimination is Practiced

Suppliers shall not engage in discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, or termination based on race, caste, nationality, religion, gender, disability, or other characteristics.
All workers shall be treated with respect and dignity, irrespective of their background.

Regular Employment is Provided

Suppliers are encouraged to provide workers with regular employment rather than relying on casual, temporary, or fixed-term contracts to undermine workers' rights.
Workers in such employment arrangements must enjoy conditions equivalent to permanent workers.

No Harsh or Inhumane Treatment is Allowed

Suppliers shall ensure that all workers are treated with respect and dignity.
No form of physical or verbal abuse, intimidation, or harsh and inhumane treatment shall be tolerated.

Compliance and Reporting

SexyGulls expects all suppliers to comply with this Code of Conduct and actively work towards continuous improvement. Suppliers are required to:
1. Provide access to their facilities for audits and assessments related to compliance with this Code of Conduct.
2. Report any violations or non-compliance promptly to SexyGulls to
3. Collaborate with SexyGulls in addressing and remedying any non-compliance issues.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, SexyGulls suppliers play a vital role in promoting ethical and sustainable practices in the global supply chain. We value our partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to creating a fair, safe, and respectful working environment for all.

SexyGulls Code of Conduct For Suppliers

Download and Sign SexyGulls Code of Conduct: